Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Next Sunday European Banks Stress Tests and SAP Banking value proposition.

Next Sunday October 26th, 2014 at 12:00 PM (CET) the European Central Bank (ECB) will make public the results of its assessment, checking the health of the 130 biggest banks of the euro area.

Controlling the solvency of the financial system is the main responsibility of a bank’s supervisor. If he detects that a bank is undercapitalized, immediate actions must be taken, from requesting its recapitalization or blocking the bank’s dividends policy, till forcing its liquidation.

The regulatory capital that a bank must hold is a percentage of its Risk Weighted Assets, which must be big enough for covering future losses generated by borrowers not fulfilling their obligations. Currently, the regulatory capital calculation is determined by the Basel 3 agreement; but both, the required percentage of the Risk Weighted Assets and its calculation has changed over the time.

We’ll analyze in a future post why the measuring of solvency has changed over the years, but today we’ll look at the difficulties of performing this calculation.

Calculating the Risk Weighted Assets requires looking at the future, and building a statistical model for determining the probability of default of the bank counterparts (PD), the bank’s exposure to the counterpart at the moment of default (EAD), and the share of the asset that is lost when the counterpart defaults (Loss Given Default).

Let’s have a look at the main challenges of the European case, there’re two difficulties for achieving efficient and comparable results of the capital analysis.

- Different national regulations. For instance, every country has different insolvency, liquidation and debt restructuring regulations. This has a direct impact in the value of the collaterals, the EAD and the RWA.

- Technical difficulties.

The first point requires European coordination for establishing a single regulatory framework; this is happening already, and it will be reinforced by the ECB, as it becomes the unique supervisor in the Eurozone.

The second point is the most interesting, even if the regulation requires more transparency (and it will); providing this transparency today is technically impossible.

We mentioned above that the RWA calculation relies in a statistical model; which as any statistical calculation requires looking at a sample data whose behavior can be extrapolated to a bigger group.

Current banking systems are running on obsolete and non-integrated technologic infrastructures with heterogeneous data-models. Building statistically reliable models in these conditions is simply impossible.

Most, in fact all, banks use simplifications for covering the lack of accurate data for building their statistical models.

This is what the FED said about these models, after reviewing this year US banks solvency tests.

“Banks made assumptions that weren't always well documented or supported, did only cursory validation checks in some cases, and made assumptions without knowing if they were doable”

This is the main competitive advantage of SAP Banking; a holistic and deeply integrated information system capable of supporting accurate and transparent capital calculations.

In a financial system of scarce capital, what could be more important than managing it efficiently?

We’ll analyze this value proposition in detail in future posts; but for the moment, let’s wait for the results of next Sunday solvency tests, I think they’re going to be interesting.

Looking forward to read your opinions.
Join the SAP Banking Group at:
K. Regards,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Active Risk Management with SAP HANA and Bank Analyzer.

As technology and globalization of the Capital Markets incentives Financial Innovation, new activities are becoming popular, a particularly interesting one is the concept of Active Risk Management.

Active Risk Management objective is improving the performance of a portfolio with dynamic trading and use of derivatives.

The basic idea is looking at the market continuously searching for arbitrage opportunities and taking positions anticipating the market’s behavior.

Historically SAP Banking has not had a strong position as an Active Risk Management platform. 

Active Risk Management requires very fast simulation functionalities, as the main driver of this discipline is anticipating market’s decisions. 

Obviously this only can be achieved by running statistical computer simulations and building market behavior patterns which support the decision making process.

Those of you who have had exposure to Bank Analyzer, know that it’s far from being a fast system as it requires a high level of data accuracy for running the standard calculation processes. 

On the contrary, Active Risk management requires very quick decisions, supported by decision taking models based on limited and fast changing information. 

Simplifying, Bank Analyzer looks at the sustainability and long term performance of the bank’s portfolios, while Active Risk Management looks at the real time market opinion about the potential value generation of the portfolio components.

But today, the scenario is ready to change, impacted by two forces; new regulation and breakthrough technology.

Since 2008 Financial Crisis, new banking directives regulating financial instruments trading have been constantly increasing liquidity and capital requirements that financial institutions participating on trading
markets must fulfill. Typical examples are the European Market Infrastructure Regulation

and the Dodd-Frank act (particularly Chapter VII) in the US.

The US and European regulatory framework present relevant differences, but they coincide in two principles.

- Increase Capital requirements to financial institutions participating on derivatives trading.

- Incentive central cleared trade of derivatives with higher requirements of disclosure, collateralization and supervision.

On the side of technology, SAP is delivering new HANA Powered components which increase significantly their performance. For example; stress testing simulations which could take hours with previous Bank Analyzer releases, can be run in minutes taking advantage of the In-Memory computing paradigm.

The combination of both drivers, regulation and breakthrough technology, is going to be a very relevant competitive advantage for SAP Bank Analyzer, when it comes to future Active Risk Management initiatives.

SAP Banking has the holistic data model for being compliant with more stringent regulatory requirements; and with HANA, it enjoys a new technology for speeding statistical simulations on fast changing environments.

We’re at the beginning of the transition period; as the financial system travels to the new model, regulation will become more stringent, incentivizing efficient capital management and penalizing speculative trade. 
In this scenario, the combination of the Analytical Capabilities of Bank Analyzer powered by SAP HANA will close the gap between regulatory requirements and business needs. 

I tried to explain it in a post nearly 3 years ago.

SAP HANA is not about doing the same things faster, it’s about doing new things.

Looking forward to read your opinions.
Join the SAP Banking community at:
K. Regards,

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Accounts Receivable Securitization with SAP Bank Analyzer. Chapter II

As we saw in the previous post, capital scarcity is incentivizing securitization as an alternative to banking credit which is becoming very expensive in the current economic environment.
We also saw that new regulation is increasing the reporting requirements in the securitization industry.
Today, we’ll see how we can combine several SAP components to build a holistic and efficient securitization process for accounts receivables.
The process starts with a standard sales and invoicing process in SAP-ECC Sales module.
For building the securitization process we must integrate the sales invoices as a Financial Transactions in the Bank Analyzer Source Data Layer. The Financial Transaction Cash-Flows will be determined from the Invoice Amount, Invoice Date and Payment conditions.
The counterparty of the Financial Transaction is the invoice payer, and we’ll read his rating from the Credit Risk data of the business partner in SAP ECC.
Once the invoices (or more exactly invoices items) have been modeled as Bank Analyzer Financial Transactions, we will use the Risk Engines of Bank Analyzer for generating the reporting requirements, and prepare the pool of loans according to the definition of the securitization tranches.
The AFI and Credit Risk modules of Bank Analyzer are an excellent base to support the analysis of the account receivables (modeled as Financial Transactions) that the company is going to securitize.
Once the securitized pool of assets is transferred (sold) to the Special Purpose Vehicle, we will use the Treasury and Risk Management module of SAP ECC for building the securities (assets backed by the securitized account receivables). Management and trading of the securities is fully supported by the Treasury and Risk Management module of SAP ECC.
In real life, a portion of the customers will fail to fulfill their obligations. The relevant information (rating) will be transferred from Credit Risk to the Bank Analyzer system, and the Bank Analyzer risk and price engines will calculate the loss of value on the account receivables. This valuation is the basis for determining the value of the securities, and drives the dividends payment, according to the securities conditions (interest rate, tranches, priority, etc.).
Building this process with SAP components has several advantages.
Many corporations, which are starting to securitize accounts receivables for covering their financing requirements, are long term users of SAP Sales, and Accounting modules.
For years, they have collected the credit risk information of their clients, which is the basis information for determining the customer rating, build the assets tranches and calculate the value of the securitized assets.
As the securitized assets (accounts receivables) have been integrated in Bank Analyzer, the company will enjoy all the Bank Analyzer functionalities for fulfilling the regulatory reporting requirements. They’re modeled as Financial Transactions, fully integrated in the standard Bank Analyzer data-model, so from Bank Analyzer perspective there’re no technical limitations.
Finally, if the company integrates all the account receivables and sales invoices in Bank Analyzer, it will have the capacity of comparing their securitization costs with the cost of capital of non-securitized assets.
Remember, capital scarcity is driving a systemic change in the whole economic system and Bank Analyzer is very well positioned to manage and optimize capital in multiple business scenarios.
I’ve been working for the last 7 years in analyzing and designing capital optimization models by using Bank Analyzer functionalities, and I will share with you in future posts.
Looking forward to read your opinions.
K. Regards,

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Accounts Receivable Securitization with SAP Bank Analyzer. Chapter I.

The main consequence of the Capital scarcity, and main trigger of the economic crisis which has followed the 2008 financial crisis, it is lack of credit. 

Credit is the most important capital allocation mechanisms in a modern economy. Quoting Ben Bernanke: “Credit has the ability to build a modern economy, but lack of credit has the ability to destroy it”

That’s the trigger of the current crisis, and the main constraint of the economic model that will emerge from it. As capital scarcity is not a temporary fashion, the financial system will be reshaped for offering alternative and more efficient capital allocation mechanisms.

A particularly relevant one is securitization, which is becoming a popular alternative to the scarce banking credits. 

Securitization has been used traditionally for allocating capital supported by many types of assets; mortgages, auto-loans, credit card debt obligations, etc.

But the tendency is to use it with many other assets. Today, we will see how many corporations are securitizing their receivables as a mechanism for financing their operations.

Trading receivables for cash is nothing new, corporations used to sell their receivables, with a discount, to factoring companies (or factoring divisions of banks). Unfortunately, in the current economic environment, the mechanism has become very expensive limiting its use.

On the other hand, replacing factoring with securitization presents difficulties too. Since 2008 financial crisis securitization industry has been seriously damaged, and only in the last months has experienced some recovery (influenced by the low interest rate policies of the last years).

For details, I recommend you to read the following paper of the OECD.

As the low interest rates policy is not sustainable in the long term, new regulation is being proposed and implemented in order of making securitization more attractive to potential investors.

For details, it’s very recommendable the following report of the Bank for International Settlements.

For those of you, who don’t have the time to read the above documents, let me give you a brief conclusion.

Securitization industry is requiring a more stringent regulation and higher levels of disclosure and transparency for playing its role in the new environment of capital scarcity and limited economic growth.

That’s exactly what we can offer with Bank Analyzer; a robust technology framework for fulfilling the new regulatory requirements of the securitization industry.

As corporations use securitization will be required to comply with the regulatory framework of the industry, and software capable of fulfilling the regulatory reporting will be required.

The main difficulty is integrating non-banking sales and invoicing processes into the Bank Analyzer architecture. 

We already saw in previous posts that Bank Analyzer can be used by non-financial companies. 

In a future post we’ll see how to integrate sales invoices in Bank Analyzer, so we’ll have all the necessary data for utilizing the system functionalities for supporting securitization requirements. 

At this point, let me remind you that the challenges of the capital scarcity are not limited to the financial system, but they impact the whole economy. As a consequence, the whole economic system that will emerge from this crisis will be driven by the efficiency paradigm.

Looking forward to read your opinions.
K. Regards,