Sunday, March 27, 2022

Energy Crisis, Capital Crisis and Capital Optimization with SAP Banking.


As we commented in the previous article, the war in Ukraine has accelerated the process of the energy crisis that has been brewing for years. In fact, when humans extracted the first barrel of oil and built an industrial society on top of it, they were taking the first steps toward the demise of the oil economy.

Capitalism is a system that needs continuous growth to sustain itself, and as industrial growth involves the consumption of limited resources, it is unsustainable on a planet of finite resources.

Unsustainability is intrinsic to the industrial society of the last 200 years. But when a system evolves in an unsustainable way, there comes a time when it becomes unstable, and that is what most of the people will find unexpectedly in the coming months.

The scarcity of resources, fundamentally energy, will weaken economic growth very soon. Weak growth, combined with the largest debt in the history of capitalism, results in an economic environment of capital scarcity.

The price of oil jumped from 60 to 120 USD per barrel in the last 12 months, and some analysts predict that the price could reach 200 USD per barrel in the coming months.

In my opinion, this analysis is incorrect, the price of oil cannot remain above 100 USD per barrel for a long period of time, because a significant part of the demand cannot support these price levels and disappears.  This destruction of demand is nothing more than a destruction of capital. The coupling between energy consumption and economic growth has been amply demonstrated in economic science. And again weak growth, combined with excess debt (the largest in the history of capitalism) makes us enter into a new economic environment of capital scarcity.

For years, economists have taught us that it was necessary to fight against oligopolies and monopolies to facilitate economic growth. This was the case in an economic environment with abundance of natural resources, but this is no longer the case, nor will it be for a long time.

For example, the concentration of GDP and the increase in inequality is nothing more than a consequence of the scarcity of capital.

Thus, we are entering an environment of scarcity of capital and its distribution is concentrated in fewer and fewer economic agents, and this has consequences.

From the perspective of Capital Optimization, the critical success factor is to identify the economic agents and processes best adapted to the new environment. These economic agents will be able to gain market share with the disappearance of their competitors, and thus compensate for the reduction in unit margin, which will be inevitable in this environment of capital scarcity.

Approximately 70% of the world's GDP runs on SAP systems, and while the new economic model deepens the concentration of GDP, this percentage will grow. This makes SAP the key player in the capital optimization process.

Add to the above the collaboration/communication scenarios that the Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence (SAP Leonardo) is bringing, which multiplies the potential of SAP in its role as the main integrator of business processes between companies.

With all this, SAP has become much more than a software system and it is in fact the "language" spoken by most of the world's GDP.

However, financial services have remained isolated from this integration process, but this has placed them in an untenable position.

The optimization of solvency and liquidity is based on the same principle as the optimization of inventory, transport costs or production capacity. All system optimization processes are based on the second law of thermodynamics which, in a nutshell, tells us that an optimization process requires reducing the entropy of the system with information.

Communication theory teaches us that the transmission of information is more efficient using a standardized communication language, and that the efficiency grows with the number of agents using the same standard. If SAP has become the standard communication language for 70% of the world's GDP and growing, there is no alternative, the financial system must speak SAP for optimizing capital.

If the previous statement is true, why has the financial system remained disconnected from the integration and standardization process that has occurred in the non-financial economy?

There are multiple reasons, but the main one is that the pressure to optimize capital was never high enough.

Many of us believed that the financial crisis of 2008 represented the beginning of the end of a financial system driven by volume and not by capital optimization, and for a few months it gave that impression. But the “Too Big to Fail”, the Troubled Asset Relief Programs, the Bailouts, the Quantitative Easing Cycles and the growth of Shadow Banking made it clear that this was not the case.

However, as a physicist, I knew that an unsustainable system someday becomes unstable, and decided to work on a capital optimization model, that would be necessary when the capital scarcity made the financial system unstable.

This day has come; the combination of weak growth, as a consequence of the scarcity of energy resources (although not only energy), and the excess of debt (the largest in the history of capitalism) makes it urgent to transform the financial system, from a model based on volume to a model based on capital optimization.

Our system, built on SAP technology, integrates with the processes of the real economy (managed with SAP), and determines its capital and liquidity consumption. With this information, it proposes financial instruments that cover deficits or excesses of capital and liquidity, adjusting the price to the risk of the operation.

Making an analogy, it works like inventory replenishment and optimization processes, in which we reduce the cost of inventory obsolescence, sharing information on real demand, transport capacity, etc., but optimizing solvency and liquidity instead of inventory obsolescence.

We are confident that this value proposition creates a significant competitive advantage in today's capital-scarce environment. And the advantage will increase while the environment worsens, as unfortunately it will happen.

We are working on presenting our system to the market and looking for business partners and investors. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me at

Looking forward to reading your opinions.

Kindest Regards,

Ferran Frances.

Join the SAP Banking Group at:

Visit my SAP Banking Blog at:

Let's connect on Twitter: @FerranFrancesGi

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ukraine War, Capital Scarcity and Capital Optimization with SAP Banking


The last few weeks have been very difficult. Since the Russian military intervention in Ukraine began, our societies have been subjected to deep stress, both emotional and economic.

I am afraid that the confusion generated by the emotional shock of the harsh images of deaths, bombings and refugees makes difficult a balanced analysis of economic reality. Analysis that, however, is more necessary than ever.

My main background is Physics, and from a very young age I learned that Energy is the ability to Produce Work, and some time later I understood the causal relationship between the availability of energy and economic growth.

Tensions in the energy markets began just as the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic were being eased, reactivating the economy. These tensions that caused inflation to spike have been accelerated and multiplied by the economic effects of the war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions and retaliation.

In order to control inflation, central banks have reduced liquidity injections, repeating a pattern of behavior that we already saw in the summer of 2008.

Unlike then, the banking system seems better capitalized, but shadow banking assets are much larger and their effect on the system's capital consumption is consistent with their volume and risk.

Summarizing; the combined effect of weak growth due to energy shortages, accompanied by the scarcity of other critical resources, and the overconsumption of capital due to excess debt, threatens to destabilize, sooner rather than later, the financial system.

Some concerning signs have appeared this week, triggering margin calls, increasing counterparty risk and market volatility.

For many economists, this environment is structural; energy shortages will be present for a long period of time, and financial difficulties caused by excess debt, combined with weak growth and reduced liquidity, will translate into an increasing number of defaults, delinquencies and insolvencies.

We are facing a very serious capital scarcity crisis and we are not ready for it.

Capital is the most important resource in the financial system (actually in the economic system) and in an environment of scarcity, there is no higher priority than optimizing it.

Capital optimization has always been at the core of SAP's value proposition. The subsidiaries of the groups of companies, and the networks of groups of companies integrate their business processes, sharing information in order to reduce the costs of supply, production, storage and distribution, while maximizing the level of service.

Over the past 30 years, SAP's products and services offering have transformed the supply and distribution chains of the real economy, and it is now in the position to multiply these benefits, with the deployment of new Geolocation, Artificial Intelligence and IoT technologies.

But the financial system has remained detached from this transformation, greatly limiting its ability to optimize capital.

I personally discovered this in 2012 and started working on finding a solution.

The solution had to follow the guidelines that had enabled SAP to transform the real economy; technical integration and process integration.

Technical integration means that we have to express the banking processes with SAP technology, because in this way technological compatibility reduces the operational costs associated with the integration of processes.

The integration of processes supposes a greater challenge, because it implies modeling the processes of the real economy in terms of generation and consumption of liquidity and solvency. I will give you an example.

Let's evaluate the distribution process of a perishable product. Efficient shelf-life management reduces obsolescence costs and service level. This improvement in the process affects the efficiency and profitability of the company and we can already see intuitively that it tends to improve its solvency.

But for the improvements to be effective, we have to move from intuition to a systematic process of measuring the impact of efficient shelf-life management of perishable products on the company's solvency.

The solution is to express in terms of generation and consumption of solvency and liquidity, the business processes of companies managed with SAP (supply, production, sales, distribution, etc.). Saying it is easy, but doing it has required a significant effort.

Once the balance of generation and consumption of solvency and liquidity of a process is measured and recorded, we determine the needs or excesses of solvency and liquidity of the process, covering the gap or surplus through the proactive offer of financial services.

To a certain extent, it is similar to the collaborative processes in logistics replenishment, but replacing material stocks with solvency and liquidity (financial instruments).

We are confident that this value proposition creates a significant competitive advantage in today's capital-scarce environment. And the advantage will increase while the environment worsens, as unfortunately it will happen.

We are working on presenting our system to the market and looking for business partners and investors. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me at

Looking forward to reading your opinions.

Kindest Regards,

Ferran Frances.

Join the SAP Banking Group at:

Visit my SAP Banking Blog at:

Let's connect on Twitter: @FerranFrancesGi